It is no secret there are fewer women in the courtroom or in leadership positions than there are men. Women En Mass (WEM) intends to change that and make things more equal, especially in mass tort leadership positions. By offering a networking tool to empower women and provide them with a resource for their career in mass tort law, organizers of the group hope to encourage more women to pursue leadership positions.
WEM's Annual Retreat in Aspen
WEM hosts an annual retreat, which is an opportunity to gather with other women practicing mass tort law. The goal is to provide a casual environment in which to build new relationships and strengthen existing ones. The annual meeting provides no CLE credit, but instead, is a unique opportunity to gather with female attorneys and enjoy activities throughout the city. The goal of the WEM retreat is to band women together in mass torts, foster a platform where they are stronger together than individually, and empower women, which hopefully leads to increased representation in leadership positions.
During the retreat, experienced attorneys mingle with those newer to the field, sharing stories and experiences. This gives younger attorneys an opportunity to benefit from time spent with trailblazers in their industry, furthering progress in the field and ensuring women are aware of the importance of their role. In order for things to continue to improve, women must want to take on leadership positions and understand the significance of their role – something WEM organizers hope the retreat accomplishes.
Attorneys are welcome to attend the annual retreat free of charge, aside from travel expenses. The group is entirely funded by law firms and companies through financial pledges.
WEM Continues to Grow and Promote Women as Leaders in Mass Tort Law
From its beginning in 2013, the WEM has been a success. The first year 60 attorneys attended. The following year those numbers doubled and so far in 2015, more than 200 attorneys are registered to attend.
The group has nearly 400 members networking for referrals and giving and receiving advice from other attorneys. There are also several important projects in progress that are intended to further the group's mission.
One such project is the Campaign for Greater Diversity in Legal Leadership, formed by WEM and Pennsylvania State Judge Sandra Mazer Moss. The campaign's mission is to analyze whether women have an equal opportunity to obtain leadership positions across the country. The campaign's initial analysis will focus on complex litigation cases in U.S. federal and state court systems.
To learn more about WEM or to speak with WEM founder Aimee Wagstaff, visit
Read More: Empowering Women in Mass Torts, Women En Mass seeks to increase gender diversity in mass tort leadership positions and provide female attorneys with an extensive networking and resource system.
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