Contact Us for a Free Consultation 303-376-6360

Success Stories

Transvaginal Mesh Litigation

Transvaginal Mesh Litigation: Andrus Wagstaff recently entered into two Transvaginal Mesh (TVM) settlements for more than 1,800 clients. Aimee Wagstaff serves as a member of the Plaintiffs Steering Committee (PSC) of the TVM MDL in West Virginia as well as a member of the PSC Executive Committee and National co-Lead Counsel in the Boston Scientific MDL which is consolidated there.

Contact Us Today

The Wagstaff Law Firm is committed to answering your questions about Defective Products, Defective Pills, and Pesticide Exposure law issues in Colorado.

We offer a free consultation and we'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
